Terms and conditions
All material directly integrated into the site itself (text, photos, articles, videos, music, ideas, graphics…) and where a different author is not clearly indicated, belongs to the authors and operators of this site and is Copyright ©.
Any reproduction, manipulation, or misappropriation of all material on this site without specific consent of the administrators of this site is prohibited.
All rights are also reserved for the material of other authors who have consented to publish and share it on this site.
Where the site itself indicates the possibility of downloading material, you may do so only for personal, non-commercial use, on a single computer, and without manipulating it in any way.
It is then mandatory to keep the author’s name unaltered on material that wants to be quoted, shared or cited on third-party sites.
It is then possible to share the articles and materials on this site through the official channels and formats set up for sharing on major social networks or websites.
This site is not directly for profit, but nevertheless may refer or advertise products for sale on external sites or solicit free donations to support the site.
Deciding whether or not to buy the products advertised on this site is your free choice and in no way prevents you from using the other free services on this site.
This site does not promote or post offensive or harmful material of any kind and does not accept comments or interactions from users that violate in any way the elementary rights and duties of a civilized society.
Regarding the Privacy Policy, reference is made to the document of the same name on this site.
Rules for comments
This Site has or may have the ability for Users to comment.
. Personal data of Users collected by this Site through this service are processed in the manner specified in the Privacy Policy document of this Site.
By posting a comment or topic, you acknowledge that you have read and agree in its entirety to both this rules document and the specific Privacy Policy adopted at this Site.
In order to post a comment on this Site, you must be a real person who holds the full force of all legal and civil rights.
You must provide a valid email address that can be linked to an individual, association, or corporation that actually exists and is legally recognized.
By posting any content on this Site, you assume full responsibility for any information disclosed or placed on the Site and you agree to be legally liable for it should any disputes arise in this regard.
By posting a comment will be automatically made public:
First Name, Last Name or Nickname (“nickname”) of the User in the manner specified by him, all the content – textual and other – of his comment, the “avatar” image eventually chosen by the User, the address of his own personal website to which he can refer, and any other information that the User himself decides to make public through his comment and through the “form” provided for the entry of comments on the Site.
On the other hand, the User’s email address and any other particularly sensitive personal data not directly related to the service itself will not be made public.
There is comment moderation at this Site by the Site administrators themselves, whose judgment and decisions are unquestionable and not questionable by the User.
This Site and its administrators retain the right to delete in part or in whole comments and content deemed inappropriate, offensive, or in violation of the rules of this Site or in violation of applicable rules and laws or the rights of third parties.
There is not necessarily prior moderation on this site, so comments and topics will be posted automatically and moderated from time to time even after they are posted.
Content that is outrageous or offends other Users, violates or instigates violation of existing laws, infringes on the rights of others, offends beliefs and religions, and goes against the norms of education and good civil living are not accepted.
Content or postings that contain profanity or comments that can be defined as “spam” (e.g., with one or more links external to the Site itself for the purpose of defrauding other Users or for the purpose of solely advertising oneself; or comments whose author is not a real physical person, but the comment is automatically generated by “virus” or “malaware” software) are not acceptable.
Content that contains material or references or allusions or links or images of pornography in any form, violence, abuse or mistreatment in general in any form or manner is not accepted.
Sectarian content, political propaganda, or content that incites or is aimed at hatred, racism, intolerance, or violence is not accepted.
Comments that insult third parties or other Users or comments that are purely advertising or comments that are not on topic with the discussions are not accepted.
On this Site, the opportunity is given for rectification, denial, or reporting by Users or third parties who feel that their rights have been abused or violated.
Anyone may comment on or share material in full compliance with laws, politeness, and the free expression of thoughts and words.
The posting of comments is not mandatory nor does it in any way preclude the enjoyment of the main services offered by this Site.
Through comments it is possible to upload material such as photos, texts, videos or refer to links external to the Site itself.
The User declares that he/she is the sole responsible and direct owner of the material and any information shared by him/her through comments, that he/she therefore has every and broader right thereto, and that such comments do not infringe in any way on the rights of third parties.
By agreeing to publish content, the User consents to this Site to make public any part of it, texts, information and attachments granting them in non-exclusive use for the sole purpose of publishing them on the Site.
Any other ownership rights remain with the User himself or her/herself or with the rightful owners.
Other Users have no right to download or take ownership of a specific User’s commentary or material – unless otherwise directed by the User. They can share it via the Internet or social-network nonprofit.
Violators will be punished according to law.
Users may request deletion of their comments or shared material as specified in the Site’s Privacy Policy. Your request will be entitled if it is in accordance with applicable laws and within the real technical possibilities of the operation of the Site itself. In this sense, it is to be understood that the administrators of the Site may not be able to delete certain content if this operation compromises the use of certain services of the Site or may create technical or usability problems for the public or other Users. The administrators reserve the right to evaluate each request in this regard on a case-by-case basis.
Any abuse of these regulations may be reported by the public or other Users to the Site’s contact email address. Administrators will take immediate action, not hesitating to report the most serious cases and violations to the appropriate authorities.