Beyond dark matter

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Sunday, February 11, 2024 – 10:30 a.m.

Presentation of Domenico Fargnoli‘s new book,

Beyond the dark matter, Form editions, 2023

Sala Umberto Theater in Rome

Present along with the author are: Paola Binante, photographer, ISIA Urbino lecturer; Paola Bisconti, psychiatrist, psychotherapist; Michele Casamonti, gallery owner; Monica Martella, reader; and Lorenzo Porta del Lungo, musician, president of the “Sound and Image” Association.

The book, conceived following the exhibition “Transparencies” by Domenico Fargnoli at the Tornabuoni Arte gallery in Florence (May 13, 2022-June 13, 2022), puts Paola Binante’s shots in dialogue with the author’s thoughts in the form of verbo-visual diptychs. An unexpected book out of the usual time with images and words that in silence suggest sounds, a tale rooted in a long history of research between psychiatry and art. The cover repeats the play of color and light of the works in the exhibition. In the latter in the transparent acetate sheets, the image appears almost identically on both sides of the sheet. In other words, there is no privileged perspective, no unique sense to be given to the images, there is no front or back while it is not possible to relate to a single painting disregarding the others at length. The perception of visual interference that inevitably arises from the works and between the works and the environment leads to a synthesis that includes movement, immersion in the space of kinesthetic experience. Images that attract and set out by a force that from the darkness causes a ray of light to escape: then everything changes and we are removed from the risk of a timeless night.

Domenico Fargnoli

Graduated in Medicine and Surgery from University of Siena in 1971; specialized in Clinic of Nervous and Mental Diseases at the University in 1974. In 1972 he was a fellow in the Centre de recherce de la Polyclinique psychiatrique at the University of Lausanne. Research project: mental illness and social classes. In 1973 he was an assistant in the department of psychiatry at the S. Maria della Scala Hospital in Siena.(