The conference addresses the cultural background that conditions the interhuman relationship, particularly the male/female and adult/child/adolescent relationship, and too often perverts it into a human relationship of material and psychological exploitation and destruction. This phenomenon is dramatically evident today in the relationship with people of other cultures and backgrounds. The reality of “forced migrations” involving women, men and minors provoke on the part of our culture a very often violent reaction that forces us to consider not only the visible violence but also the invisible violence that is exercised through the denial, the annihilation of the very humanity of human beings. A conference organized by L’Associazione Culturale Amore e Psiche together with Associazione Suono e Immagine Onlus, Amica, APS Carminella, Associazione La Scuola che verrà, Cooperativa Sociale di Psicoterapia Medica, Associazione Dasud