The proposed program is a refined journey through melody and expressive sweetness in the compositions of F. Couperin and F.J. Haydn, which open the concert. This is followed by one of F. Chopin‘s mature works, Polonaise-Fantaisie Op.61, written in a “talking” narrative style and as direct as a veristic drama text. Then three Preludes by S.V. Rachmaninoff, in which the author, in the short form, manages to create a world of original symphonic sensibility for each of them. Finally, Le Tombeau de Couperin, a suite by M. Ravel in six character portraits, dedicated to as many fellow comrades. By this title Ravel meant that the historical-musical period between the time of the great Frenchman of the 1700s and his own time was coming to a close with the event of the World War, and from that moment a new era began.
François Couperin
Les Barricades Mystérieuses (1717)
Franz Joseph Haydn
Sonata in Lab major. (1770)
Fryderyk Chopin
Polonaise-Fantaisie Op.61 (1846)
Sergei Vasil’evič Rachmaninoff
Three Preludes (1913)
Op.32 no.12, no.5 – Op.23 no.7
Maurice Ravel
Le Tombeau de Couperin (1917)